Dr. Magliato is involved with the following medical technology companies either as an officer, advisor, or board member:

DATA PHYSICS RESEARCH INC. – this company has developed “intuitive visualization” for use by radiologists. This software platform organizes, manages, analyzes and reports radiologic information that accelerates the reading and reporting of diagnostic images and improves diagnostic accuracy. www.dpresearch.com



TAGNOS INC. – this company has developed a real-time patient tracking system to be used within a hospital setting. It allows a hospital to monitor patient flow and throughput to increase patient safety as well as create better transport efficiency and patient throughput. The system is currently in use in 5 hospitals in California. www.tagnos.com

NANOMERSION INC. – this early stage company is developing a nanoparticle that can cross the blood brain barrier and potentially deliver chemotherapeutic drugs to brain tumors. It may also be used for special brain imaging.

LKC TECHNOLOGIES INC. – this company is a world leader in visual electrophysiology which is currently working on a new device for the early detection of diabetic retinopathy- a leading cause of blindness. www.lkc.com